One of the founders of GEOTER and responsible for the strategy of the group development in LATAM, with presence in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Argentina. He is an Industrial Engineer from ICAI, specialized in Mechanics and Associate Professor at the “Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)”, Coordinator of the “Module of energy efficiency in building and industry” of the UPMA Master’s ERMA, Professor in the Master Energies and Fuels for the future of the UAM, as well as Director of various courses and development programs in geothermal applications and R + D + i. He has developed extensive experience in several multinational companies, being responsible for different technical departments, commercial and Business Units. He is a member of the European Geothermal Association, the German Geothermal Association, the German Heat Pump Association and the GEOPLAT Platform of the Government of Spain. He has written several articles in technical publications in the fields of sustainable development and energy use, being an independent expert within the European Commission, the group of “Energy Providers for Camps” and the Crisis Management Operation team in “Military Green” for the European Defense Agency in Brussels, Belgium
He holds a degree in Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, specializing in a Master’s degree in Hydraulics and Energy. Since 2012 he is the Head of the Projects and R + D + i Department in GEOTER, carrying out the planning and execution of numerous and outstanding engineering and air conditioning projects using geothermal energy and other renewable energies, as well as the development of I projects. + D + i in programs financed by the Ministry of Economy and the European Commission. He is Professor of the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies and Environment (ERMA) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and of the Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration (RERU) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been a collaborating member of Smart Energy in Capable Logistian 2015 (CL15) in Szekesfehervar, Hungary for the Emerging Security Challenge Division of NATO. He has written several articles and technical publications in the field of energy and has participated as a speaker at the Eduardo Torroja Foundation or at world scientific conferences such as CLIMA or WSED. He has both national and international experience having developed multiple activities in Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.
He holds a degree in Geology from the University of Oviedo (Spain), a master’s degree in Renewable Energies and the Environment from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and a degree in International Operational Management from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce. Responsible for GEOTER’s International Development Department, he plans and executes projects and engineering studies using geothermal and other renewable energies in the industrial, residential and tertiary sectors. He participates in the project “RehabilitaGeoSol. Energy Efficiency through Rehabilitation, the Sun and Geothermal Energy in Asturias” (RETOS). He has collaborated as an efficiency expert in the WG2 working group of the European Defence Agency, “EDA ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT WORKING GROUP”, in “Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence & Security Sector” and “SMART CAMPS TECHNICAL DEMONSTRATOR WORKSHOP”. He is also professor of the Master ERMA of the UPM.
He holds a degree in Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, specializing in a Master’s degree in Hydraulics and Energy. Since 2012 he is the Head of the Projects and R + D + i Department in GEOTER, carrying out the planning and execution of numerous and outstanding engineering and air conditioning projects using geothermal energy and other renewable energies, as well as the development of I projects. + D + i in programs financed by the Ministry of Economy and the European Commission. He is Professor of the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies and Environment (ERMA) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and of the Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration (RERU) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been a collaborating member of Smart Energy in Capable Logistian 2015 (CL15) in Szekesfehervar, Hungary for the Emerging Security Challenge Division of NATO. He has written several articles and technical publications in the field of energy and has participated as a speaker at the Eduardo Torroja Foundation or at world scientific conferences such as CLIMA or WSED. He has both national and international experience having developed multiple works in Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.
He has a degree in Geological Engineer from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Currently, he plays the role of Manager of Facilities at GEOTER and has extensive experience in the fields of engineering, geotechnics, energy efficiency and air conditioning through the use of geothermal energy as a result of the development of his professional career in the different companies dedicated to the mentioned areas in which he has worked, dedicating himself from his incorporation in GEOTER to the planning and execution of innovative projects and engineering studies through geothermal energy and other renewable energies, as well as the development, study, design and implementation of systems of air conditioning with geothermal energy in the residential sector and in large installations. He is the professor of the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy and the Environment taught at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He has participated in numerous R + D + i projects financed by the Ministry of Economy and the European Commission. He has both national and international experience having developed multiple jobs in Chile.
It’s the person in charge of carrying out the tasks of Head of the Backoffice and Financial Department at GEOTER from the moment she joined the company. With a wide experience thanks to her professional trajectory, which she has developed in a majority way in the sector of the Public Administration, from GEOTER she carries out multiple and diverse works related to the processing of the official documentation and different works related to the business administration. Likewise, Rosa is responsible for carrying out tasks related to the areas of logistics, as well as monitoring the billing of the company, as well as control and management of the customer database and storage of internal documents, as well as the financial resources of the company.
He is a Mining Engineer who has specialized in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives by the Higher Polytechnic University of Linares (Spain). As a complement to his training, he has taken the XIII Course on Applied Geotechnics, the III Course on Coal Gasification, a course on Safety and Handling of Explosives in Blasting and the IV Course on Technical Applications of Water at the Higher Polytechnic University of Linares . In GEOTER, he is part of the Production Department, is responsible for the Drilling Department and the Purchasing Department. He has extensive experience in the planning and execution of projects and engineering studies using geothermal energy and other renewable energies, drafting R.I.TE. thermal projects for processing and simulation of geothermal installations with Earth Energy Designer®.
Industrial Organization Engineer from the Comillas Pontifical University – ICAI (Madrid), has a Master degree in Renewable Energy and Environment from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He has extensive experience in large projects as responsible for facilities in construction sites of hospitals and shopping centers. From the GEOTER project department, he is in charge of managing large accounts and managing and executing projects, as well as the search for new business opportunities. It also develops calculation and sizing tasks for geothermal use facilities thanks to simulation tools such as Earth Energy Designer® and compliance with the quality and environmental management standards ISO 9001 and 14001 in the company. He has experience in the international sector having developed part of his professional career in South America (Chile).
She is an Energy Engineer with a specialization in Energy Technologies from the Higher Technical School of Industrial, Mining and Energy Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He made her Erasmus at the École Centrale Paris and holds an Official Master’s Degree in Energy and Fuels for the Future from the Higher Technical School of Industrial, Mining and Energy Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is currently studying another master’s degree in Business Management and Administration at the IMF International Business School. Since 2015, he has belonged to GEOTER’s Projects and R&D Department, from where he develops geothermal projects and simulations of geothermal installations using the Earth Energy Designer® tool, as well as energy efficiency engineering studies. Likewise, it carries out the presentation and development of R+D+i projects both nationally and internationally.
He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Malaga (Spain), has two postgraduate studies, a Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy and Environment from the UPM Polytechnic University of Madrid and, in addition, a Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency from the University Distance from Madrid UDIMA. He works in the Facilities Department of GEOTER, where he is responsible for the development, study, design and implementation of air conditioning systems with geothermal, aerothermal or hybrid systems. Solar and photovoltaic systems, both in the residential sector as well as large installations, carry out the management of turnkey geothermal projects and participate in international projects, carry out simulations with the Earth Energy Designer®. Coordinates the work to be developed by the construction team. It is part of R & D & i projects such as ENERGYSIS and MAGYSTER. He has received courses related to the design and management of works, prevention of occupational risks and specific training of the main distributors of GEOTER. He teaches solar photovoltaic and solar thermal courses on the INGEOEXPERT platform.
He holds a degree in Geological Engineering from the Complutense University of Madrid and has taken the Somera Geothermal Course and Energy Certification (ICOG), as well as those relevant to products from specific GEOTER suppliers such as, among others, STIEBEL ELTRON and ecoFOREST. He has carried out tasks related to geotechnical studies, projects and soundings and collaborated in the elaboration and analysis of hydrogeological maps, administrative management and management and coordination of the business web platform, control of client database, official documentation processing, specific tasks in the field of mineral resources, volcanism and volcanic risk, hydrogeology and regional geology. He is responsible for the Production department and belongs to the Drilling department, from which he plans geothermal projects of residential and large facilities.
He has taken courses in Masonry and Stucco, Commerce, Distribution and Product Storage; he also has training in PRL and Manual Handling and Load Mechanics. He has experience as a maintenance assistant, bricklayer and plumber. From GEOTER’s Installations department, he is dedicated to the installation and maintenance of horizontal geothermal connection systems, both those related to the collection and those related to air conditioning and distribution.
He has taken courses in Plumbing and PRL for plumbing and air conditioning installations. He belongs to the Installations department of GEOTER, where he carries out the work corresponding to the installation and maintenance of the horizontal geothermal connection systems of the different types of equipment in charge of the geothermal capture and of the air conditioning and distribution systems of the houses, as well as to carry out the accounting of the company’s warehouse.