We work in order to make our projects respectful with the environment. Environmental engineering studies environmental problems in an integrated way, considering their ecological, social, economic and technological dimensions in order to promote sustainable development.
Due to the current degraded environment, due to the bad management and dimensioning of the projects by not taking into account the environmental aspect, GEOTER enters as environmental engineering, searching:
Geoter searches:

-Integration of the environmental variable at the beginning of the projects (EAE).
-Environmental declaration of products.
-Calculation of a product’s carbon footprint.
-Attention to biocliRenewables energiesmatic aspects. 

Se contemplarán los siguientes aspectos

  • Utilización de fuentes renovables.
  • Sustitución y optimización de fuentes energéticas actuales.
  • Aprovechamiento de residuos.
  • Análisis del entorno ambiental (Ingeniería Bioclimática).
  • Estudio de técnicas alternativas de producción de energía.
  • Análisis económico y del ahorro energético propuesto.
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